Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 30


  • came from the north-central part of the peninsula 
  • metalworkers, artists, architects
  • two foundation myths: Virgil's Aeneid (Where Aeneas escapes from Troy), plus the story of remus and Romulus
  • had many colonies around the Mediterranean Sea 
  • Romans borrowed ideas: religious beliefs, alphabet, much of their art, military techniques and weaponry 
  • descendants of Indo-Europeans (India and Europe) 
  • settled on the banks of the Tiber
  • situated so trading ships- but not war fleets- could navigate as far as Rome, but no further
  • a commercial port, but not susceptible to attack
  • built on seven hills
Drained a Swamp
  • many streams flowed into the Tiber
  • there was a marshy area called the Forum, between Palatine and Capitoline Hills 
  • Tarquin the Proud's grandfather built the Cloaca Maxima (large ancient drain), which channeled water into the Tiber
Fun Fact: 
Urban legend says Washington DC was built on a swamp- but only about 2% was actually swampland - however, Constitution Avenue is located on what used to be called Tiber Creek

Now Tarquin's kinda proud 
  • Lucius Tarquinias Superbus 
  • the seventh and final king of Rome 
  • known as Tarquin the Proud (sometimes referred to as Tarquin the Arrogant) 
  • a true tyrant, in the old and modern sense of the word 

Today was Grandparents Day. I missed some of this class, so I am not sure how far the class got in the powerpoint. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April 29

Today Mr. Schick let us work on our projects. We all decided to make the pot Friday, since tomorrow is Grandparents day. Mr. Guadreau has a pattern that we are going to use to decorate the pot. After we finish the pot, it will have to dry for a couple of days. During this time we will make the poster and write the small essay. Then after the pot is dry, we will use a rock to make the pot shine.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 28

Today in class we talked about the riots in Baltimore. After discussing for an hour and 15 minutes, I think that both sides did wrong things. The white cops should not have killed someone, but the blacks should not be burning down buildings. I can't believe that no one has died. Hope the violence ends soon.  I saw some of the news last night. I saw the Grey family speaking, saying they never wanted this violence and neither did Freddie.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

April 24

Today Mr. Schick gave us the class to work on our projects. Alyssa, Jessica, and I talked to Mr. Gaudreau. We should him a picture of an idea we have. He said he has all the materials that we will need and are welcome to use them. We agreed on next Thursday to meet and make the pot. Hopefully it will look something like this:

Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23

Veronica brought in donuts today. I also talked to Mr. Gaudreau and he loves the idea. One day after school we will stay and make the pot in Mr. Guadreau's room. Now the next step is picking the pot. In class, we took notes on a powerpoint on the rap:


  • centered around Tiber River 
  • located near the sea 
  • on top of a hill- they could see their enemies coming 
  • took years to drain the swamp before building 
  • had somewhat of a sanitary system
Tarquin the Proud 
  • ruled from 534-510 BC
  • last king of Rome
  • is thought to have killed a family member 
  • his son raped a women who is highly respected
  • she later committed suicide because she felt guilty
  • Tarquin did not punish his son  
  • was later kicked out of Rome for this 
  • influenced their type of government- didn't want another cruel king 
  • democracy, aristocracy, monarchy: combination of these became their new government 
  • first step towards plebeians having rights was when the list of laws became public

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 22

For the first part of the class, we were allowed to do homework, while Mr. Schick graded the last of the thousand word essay.  Thanks to that I got my math homework done. I was surprised with how well we did.  Next time, we have to make sure we read thoroughly for grammar errors. Jessica, Alyssa, and I still have to ask to Mr. Gaudreau if we can use the kiln for our project.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April 21

Today in class, Mr. Schick wrapped to Low. It was hilarious. We also started the powerpoint on Rome.


  • 9th century B.C: Etruscans, Latin, and Greeks move into Italy
  • Tiber River middle of the Peninsula- centrally located 
Italy and its people:
  • Indo-European tribes moved into the Italian peninsula and some settled along the Tiber River creating the city-state known as Rome 
  • Rome made up the mythical story of Remus and Romulus (Twin brothers who were put to death in a river, taken by a mother wolf, nature always came to take care of the brothers, Romulus killed Remus in adult hood over the location of their city-state, Romulus named the city-state after himself- Rome)
  • The Etruscan people, originally from the east, had settled in Northern Italy and influenced early Rome
  • Influenced also by the Greeks in the South- learned the alphabet, city-state organization, and gods  
Roman Republic:
  • originally was a monarchy- based on the Etruscan model with a council of elders called the "Senate"
  • 500 BC Romans established a Republic 
  • Senate was filled with patricians (aristocratic men)
  • the plebeians (ordinary citizens) fought for a vote 
  • each year the Senate elected two rulers, "Consuls," who served a term one year 
  • Like the Greeks, the Romans would appoint a single dictator in times of war or conflict
Tarquin the Proud:
  • was too harsh so the Romans ran him out of town 
  • influenced their decision of government
  • no one person had too much power
  • 12 tables or tablets- a set of laws that was created and made public so the aristocrats could not make up laws in order to arrest the ordinary people  
  • Respublica- people's business 
Roman Legion:
  • solders wanted to fight for their civilization; they were proud of it
  • didn't fight for money
  • 5,000 soldiers
  • poor farmers would fight with their farmer's equipment 
  • crucification was a popular punishment at the time 

Friday, April 17, 2015

April 17

Today in class, we tried to think of an idea for our Roman Project.  That did not go so well.  Mr. Schick denied all our ideas. Jessica spilt half of my water bottle on herself. She is currently soaking wet and cold.  We may possible make pottery, even though we are the least artistic people. Jessica has this kit thing that she got on Christmas. This will be our first time using it, so we are going to try and get together this weekend to test it out.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 16

Today in class, we started talking about what the next unit will be on and ideas for a project. I am glad to hear that we will  be able to pretty much pick our project and our group. I  know for sure that I do not want to write a paper or make a powerpoint. Like Mr. Schick said I want to make this memorable and enjoyable.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 15

Today in class, we watched a video clip on the Allegory of the Cave. Mr. Schick was having technical difficulties in the beginning of class. When watching the video, I thought it was a weird punishment in ancient Greek. After, Mr. Schick explained that it was a allegory. The story was symbolism for something else. It has a deeper meaning. In class, we gave thoughts as to what it symbolized. Students guessed poverty, which is what I thought it was until Mr. Schick point out a good point. The author of the Allegory was Plato, who was the student of Socrates. Socrates was executed for enlightening the youth and disrespecting the gods; therefore, it would make more sense that Plato was symbolizing Socrates's death, rather than poverty.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 14

Today in class, we went over the test. The class was shorter than normal because there was a assembly. I did not do as well as I hoped, but hopefully the Ancient Greece Paper will help. Glad Mr. Schick is back.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 1

Today in class we took the Ancient Greece test and handed in our essays. The test was 50 multiple choice questions.  I thought overall it was fair, but challenging. Mr. Schick was able to grade them before the mod ended so I know what I got. It wasn't what I was hoping for, but I will bring it up. Next time I need to study more, especially the dates. Have a happy spring break!!!!