Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23

Veronica brought in donuts today. I also talked to Mr. Gaudreau and he loves the idea. One day after school we will stay and make the pot in Mr. Guadreau's room. Now the next step is picking the pot. In class, we took notes on a powerpoint on the rap:


  • centered around Tiber River 
  • located near the sea 
  • on top of a hill- they could see their enemies coming 
  • took years to drain the swamp before building 
  • had somewhat of a sanitary system
Tarquin the Proud 
  • ruled from 534-510 BC
  • last king of Rome
  • is thought to have killed a family member 
  • his son raped a women who is highly respected
  • she later committed suicide because she felt guilty
  • Tarquin did not punish his son  
  • was later kicked out of Rome for this 
  • influenced their type of government- didn't want another cruel king 
  • democracy, aristocracy, monarchy: combination of these became their new government 
  • first step towards plebeians having rights was when the list of laws became public

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