Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28

Today was my last class of Western Civilization and my last class with Mr. Schick. I  am glad that I had Mr. Schick and I enjoyed his class.  He was probably one of the most funniest teachers I have had and it helped being in his favorite class.  Instead of having a party, like most of my other class, we took the essay portion of the final exam today. Mr. Schick gave us the topics so we could prepare for the three essays.  I wrote all the essays last night, so I felt good after class was over. I finished just in time. I feel confident that I did well. Mr. Schick had these cute little blue notebooks that we wrote the essays in. It kind of felt like being in second grade again with the small notebooks that had wide spacing. I feel confident that I did well and will be preparing for the scantron portion by studying old test. Sad to say this but I think this is my last blog. I will miss my class, Mr. Schick, and all the good laughs we had: "Just grab some land." "Are you crying?" and all the rhythms Mr. Schick says before the test. Also all the pinto boy jokes and Jayla being late and her answering the phone... It was a great second semester!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 27

Today in class we went over the Rome test. I got to see the one question that I got it wrong. Most people got that one wrong. I am fine with my score. Tonight I will prepare for the exam in class tomorrow. I would be lying if I told you I am not nervous. But I will be fine. I would rather write the essays tomorrow than on Wednesday when I will take the rest of the exam.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 26

Today we took our last test on Rome. I thought it was pretty easy. One or two that I guessed on, but most I knew. Like always Mr. Schick had some funny answers and questions. I am going to miss him next year. Tonight I will start preparing my essay. Not sure which ones I will do. I am glad that we only have to write three of them. Also we will be writing them in class and not during our exam time. This gives me more time to get the multiple choice questions done. I ended up getting a 98%.

Friday, May 22, 2015

May 22

Today we went over the schedule for the rest of the year. We also went over the Powerpoint. Mr. Schick is going to add more slides over the weekend and post the exam topics. We will have to write three out of the four essays. Here are the notes I took today in class:

"Crossing the Rubicon"

  • after the victory, Julius wants to go to Rome and have a celebration to take power 
  • senate says no, stop at the Rubicon and only take your elite soldiers to Rome
  • but he choose to talk into Rome with all his soldiers  
  • he made his decision when crossing the Rubicon 
  • the senate gets him into the Senate Chamber and stabs him to death  

Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 21

Today in class we finished the presentations. My group went today. I think we did well and people thought the pot looked really good. Today there was also a project on Gladiators and a trivia game. The Gladiators group made a cool model of a battle scene and the trivia game board was neat and creative.  Everyone did a great job on their project. I think we all deserve As. The test was moved to Tuesday and Mr. Schick started to talk about the exam. Instead of having to write an essay on the exam day, we will be doing it in class on Thursday. We are going to discuss it and Mr. Schick is going to post the topic over the weekend so we can take the notes. The notes are not only a good study guide for the essay, but also the multiple choice questions.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 20

The projects continued today. Three more groups present. Jayla showed us her Roman pot, and we also heard two diary entries- one from a patrician and one from a plebeian. I think the best presentation so far was Alex and Arthur's lego model. They did an amazing job and they also had a powerpoint with a good amount of facts. They really involved the class, making jokes here and there. I hope our presentation is as good as theirs tomorrow.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May 19

Today in class, we started the presentations. I enjoyed the food, but I wish that it was later in the day. I am not one to eat pasta and salad at 8 in the morning. Overall, I think they deserve an A on their three course meal with a traditional drink.  Just a suggestion, maybe have a little bit more history. The second presentation was great. I thought the song really followed what we were learning about. David's powerpoint had a lot of good information, but it was kinda boring compared to food and music. I think today was a great start! My group is preparing to go on Thursday.