Friday, January 23, 2015

Third Class

Today I had my tenth or eleventh shadow. Her name was Kendra and she said her favorite class was West Civ. Mr. Schick offered Jessica's grapes to her. Every single class I have sat in a different seat. We continued going over the PowerPoint on prehistory and Mesopotamia. We learned that the Sumerians divided the hour into sixty minutes and the minute into sixty seconds. They also created a calendar based on the moon cycles and built ziggurats to worship their numerous gods in. Another, important person is King Hammurabi who created the first documented series of laws called the Hammurabi Code. At the end of class, we looked up some of the laws. A couple were curl and disturbing. I learned from the laws that they had regulation on marriage and divorce. I was surprised that marriage and divorce was a thing all the way back then. The last group we talked about were the Indo- Europeans who were a group of people from the grasslands of the Russian steppe. They were the first to introduce the horse. I like the way Mr. Schick teaches and hope to do well on the first test on Wednesday.

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