Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April 21

Today in class, Mr. Schick wrapped to Low. It was hilarious. We also started the powerpoint on Rome.


  • 9th century B.C: Etruscans, Latin, and Greeks move into Italy
  • Tiber River middle of the Peninsula- centrally located 
Italy and its people:
  • Indo-European tribes moved into the Italian peninsula and some settled along the Tiber River creating the city-state known as Rome 
  • Rome made up the mythical story of Remus and Romulus (Twin brothers who were put to death in a river, taken by a mother wolf, nature always came to take care of the brothers, Romulus killed Remus in adult hood over the location of their city-state, Romulus named the city-state after himself- Rome)
  • The Etruscan people, originally from the east, had settled in Northern Italy and influenced early Rome
  • Influenced also by the Greeks in the South- learned the alphabet, city-state organization, and gods  
Roman Republic:
  • originally was a monarchy- based on the Etruscan model with a council of elders called the "Senate"
  • 500 BC Romans established a Republic 
  • Senate was filled with patricians (aristocratic men)
  • the plebeians (ordinary citizens) fought for a vote 
  • each year the Senate elected two rulers, "Consuls," who served a term one year 
  • Like the Greeks, the Romans would appoint a single dictator in times of war or conflict
Tarquin the Proud:
  • was too harsh so the Romans ran him out of town 
  • influenced their decision of government
  • no one person had too much power
  • 12 tables or tablets- a set of laws that was created and made public so the aristocrats could not make up laws in order to arrest the ordinary people  
  • Respublica- people's business 
Roman Legion:
  • solders wanted to fight for their civilization; they were proud of it
  • didn't fight for money
  • 5,000 soldiers
  • poor farmers would fight with their farmer's equipment 
  • crucification was a popular punishment at the time 

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