Saturday, February 21, 2015

Cyber day- February 20

Ancient Egyptian Technological Breakthroughs:

  1. Hieroglyphics- Hieroglyphics helped control the large Kingdom by writing laws and letters. Also, they were used to keep accurate records of different events. If the Egyptians didn't invent this writing system, then we would not know much about how they lived and what life was like. 
  2. Papyrus Sheets- The Egyptians learned how to make a material from the papyrus plant that could be written on.  On the papyrus sheets, they wrote important documents and religious text. Since the weather is dry, the documents have been preserved in good conditions. Thus giving us another way to learn how civilization grew. 
  3. Boats- The Egyptians built boats out of wood. They were used to transport cattle, farming supplies, and people across Egypt. This allowed the Kingdom to connect and work together. 
  4. Physicians and Doctors- Back then they didn't just believe that all illness came from the evil spirits and the cure was a religious treatment, but they could use herbs and natural resource to produce medication. The Egyptians were the first to identify and name organs like the heart and the lungs. We know all these advancements came from them because they wrote down their findings on the papyrus sheets in hieroglyphics.  
  5. Shaduf- The shaduf was a device used by farmers to water their crops. The device would collect water from the Nile and then the farmer would fling the water to spread it across the field. This helped the farmer to keep the fields moist so the harvest would be plentiful. 

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