Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 4

We finished the video. There are the last set of notes on the video: In Jordan, people start making plaster from limestone. The plaster would seal up cracks to help control the temperature in the home. This was a big advancement in understanding and control fire. This would eventually lead to steal. Because of the geography, New Guineans could not produce a surplus of food which caused no technological advancement. They spent there time looking for food and had no time to do anything else.

Fertile Crescent:
-became dry from all the farming, so people left
- traveled east and west because there were similar climates and vegetation  (knew skills and how to survive in certain climates)
- this movement spread farming and trade of skills, goods, animals, and crops (if this didn't happen America would not be at all what it is like today)
- Americans eat 21 million tons of wheat per year

The answer to the Cargo Question:
Geographical luck. If you guys had what my people started out with, then you would be the ones with all the cargo.

I liked this movie and hope we watch more.

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