Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 18

Today we continued the Ancient Greece powerpoint. There are the notes I took:
  • 7th & 6th centuries BCE aristocrats ran most of Greece
  • aristocrat: wealthy/ noble person 
  • influenced society and had more governmental power
  • aristocracy is ruled by aristocrats
  • they attended symposiums (meetings where the  elite men would enjoy wine and poetry, performances by dancers and acrobats and the company of hetaeras (courtesans) while discussion politics 
  • women were for entertainment, had no say in decision making 
  • an exclusive club- no women (except the "entertainment"), no middle class or slaves. and sometimes even aristocrats would be excluded because they didn't have the right connections or fell out of favor
  • sometimes they would form alliances with hoplites ( well-armed soldiers) and set up an alternative form of gov't called a tyranny
  • a tyrant is someone who rules outside the framework of the polis
  • modern meaning of tyrant: an abusive or oppressive ruler
  • the Greek meaning of tyrant: someone who simply seized power (usually w/ hoplite help) 
  • tyrant who rules from 527 to 510 BCE 
  • his brother was murdered, and his rule became harsh 
  • eventually he was expelled from Athens (ostracized)
  • in revenge, he began working w/ the Persian Kind Darius I, helping them invade Marathon 
  • if he was killed, it would have been more honorable because he did for his cause

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