Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 25

Today in class we finished presenting here are my final notes:

Gods and goddesses

  • polytheism- belief in more than one god 
  • gods resembled human forms and had similar human characteristics
  • Pantheon- the hall of fame of gods
Zeus- god of sky and thunder, king of gods overthrew his father
Poseidon- god of sea, second patron god of Athens
Athena- guardian of Athens, goddesses of reason and wisdom, daughter of Zeus
Aphrodite- goddess of love and beauty
Hera- goddess of marriage and queen of Olympus, wife/ sister of Zeus
Demeter- goddess of agriculture, in charge of seasons
Apollo- god of sun,  skilled at bow and arrow, twin of Artemis, son of Leo and Zeus
Artemis- twin of Apollo, goddess of the hunt, protector of childbirth and labor
Ares- god of war- the bad side, was hated by parents, considered a coward
Hermes- god of trade and sports
Hephaestus- god of fire, only ugly god, mainly worshiped in Athens
Dionysus- god of fertility and wine, patron of the arts, either really nice or really mean
Hades- god of wealth, ruler of the underworld, one of the three major gods


  • aristocracy: form of government in which power is in the hands of a small privileged, ruling class
  • titles: duke, duchess, baron, baroness
  • children inherited wealth and power 
  • did not like under class people 
  • Solon stopped this government 
  • overall is looked as a problem for Athens 
  • used power only for their benefit 
  • tyranny: government ruled by one ruler 
  • did not care about people 
  • middle class and military tried to make changes
  • made changes to laws once in power
  • ruled for short periods of time
  • not always evil
  • started in 508 BCE
  • ekklesia- Executive branch - 5,000 men would meet 40 times a year, any men were allowed to attend, chosen by lotteries not elections 
  • ended 406 BC  Pericles 
  • turned into aristocracy

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