Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 24

Today in class, more groups presented, but not all of them have. My group went and I think we did pretty well. Here are some notes that I took:

Athens, Sparta, and the Peloponnesian War
  • Capital of Greece: Athens
  • Top class: aristocrats, Middle: farmers, Lowest: slaves 
  • 2 meals a day
  • education for males started at age 5 to 14 
  • women did house work and husbands were chosen for them
  • Sparta Top class: women, Middle: farmers, Lowest: helots - slaves
  • had to be in the military for 40 or 60 years
  • Sparta males would "borrow" wives
  • fought in a phalanx position 
  • Peloponnesian War- April 4th 431 BCE ended April 25th 404 BCE 
  • Divided into three wars: Archidamian War, Sicilian War, and Decelean War 
  • Athenians hid behind a huge wall which isn't a bad idea until a plague came and killed tons of solders
  • born 800 BC in Smyrna, Turkey 
  • told stories about the Trojan War
  • brought Greeks out of the "Dark Age"
  • brought Greeks back into writing 
  • his existence is a mystery because not many details on his life was written down
  • Iliad and Odyssey 
  • iliad is about the Trojan War - ended when Zeus and Hector made a peace treaty
  • Odyssey is about Odysseus and how Poseidon got in his way (storms/ cyclopes) 
  • Homer's death is unknown but he died in Ios, Greece
  • comes from wealthy family 
  • born in 495 BC 
  • brought democracy to Athens 
  • passed laws that allowed the poor to attend plays
  • cared about his solders healthy and safety 
  • died in 429 BC from the plague 
  • was a military leader in Athens
Golden Age
  • the Parthenon was built 
  • tragedies and comedies plays 
  • ended when the Peloponnesian War started 
  • hoplite: most common type of heavily armed foot- solder 
  • 1/2 of men in ancient Greece are thought to have fought 
  • received military training 
  • all men over the age of 60 were called to fight 
  • two common weapons:  doru- long wooden spear and xiphos- short sword 
  •  Phalanx formation- eight people in a row and then numerous rows thick 
  • triremes- a large boat used for war
  •  tri- because it has three rows of oars
  • Thucydides, an Athenian General, was into science not gods 
  • the crew could carry these triremes onto land even though it was a large ship 
  • it was really fast because it was made from pine and fur
  • used in the Persian War
  • Doric: simplest, formal; used in mainland Greece and Italy 
  • Ionic:  more decorative and slender (looks like a scroll at the top)
  • Corinthian: most decorative; flower design (Most modern people like it); used for really fancy and important buildings 
  • the different orders could be mixed together 
  • sculptures were made form bronze and marble 
  • they were inspired by Egyptians 
  • Classical period - skill went up and became more realistic 
  • Hellenistic period- more emotion and details; best skill period in sculpting

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